Tag: nwk
One of America’s Great Stores: How an Empire Killed Newark’s Temple to Retail
L. Bamberger & Co.’s flagship store in Newark at its peak was the the 6th largest department store in the United States, but as trends changed towards the suburbs, the city’s temple to consumerism was left behind.
Newark IDT Building Redevelopment Criticized for Resurrecting the Midcentury ‘Superblock’
Criticisms of the planned IDT redevelopment design have emerged arguing that the four new towers to be built on the triangular lot behind the IDT building are not pedestrian-friendly.
Newark to Consider Massive 2,100 Unit, Four-Tower Redevelopment Plan
Newark will soon hear a proposal to convert the former headquarters of IDT into a residential complex that will add four new 40-story buildings across the street.
Newark Approves Motherland Cannabis Co. Dispensary on Broad Street
Newark officials recently signed off on a plan that will bring dispensary Motherland Cannabis Company to a former restaurant space.
Newark Passed New Rent Control Ordinance to Rein in Soaring Rents, But Did it...
A new ordinance outlaws rent increases of more than 5 percent a year on newly constructed units that weren’t previously governed by rent control.
Free Music and Art Festival Will Launch Envy By Gomes, The New Pinnacle of...
A free festival called EnvyNewark will kick off the Envy By Gomes’ reveal on June 10 from 11 a.m. to 8 p.m. Live music, pop up shops, food trucks, freestyle soccer, a farmers' market, and more will highlight the festivities.
Best Restaurants in Newark NJ | Around The World Foods in the Brick City
Here are our picks for the best restaurants in Newark NJ, including some cafes, diners, and dives for you to enjoy for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
The Drama of the Newark Concert Halls… and the Theaters That Were Left Behind
Newark was at one point the center for culture and arts in New Jersey and has many once grand theaters to show for it. Now, however, when a Newarker wants to go see a movie or play, they are relegated to traveling to the suburbs or crossing the Hudson River.
Newark’s Century-Old Hotel Riviera Sold Amid Revitalization Plans
A joint venture led by KS Group has purchased the historic Newark hotel following the zoning board’s rejection of a plan that would have greenlit a residential conversion.
Massive Ironbound Apartment Building, the Length of a City Block, Approved by Newark Zoning...
A massive apartment complex, measuring the length of a city block, was approved unanimously by the Newark zoning board last week.