Jersey City Museum 25 Journal Square

OMA Selected to Develop Jersey City Museum in Journal Square

The OMA/AEA team are set to design Jersey City’s largest arts & culture center in Journal Square.
No Peeking Theater Indigenous Rushmore Jersey City

Opening Tonight: No Peeking Theatre presents INDIGENOUS; A discussion of the Native Experience

Told through a compilation of stories, poems, songs, and narratives, the show sets out to invoke a hard discussion about who and what “America” really is.
Golden Cicada 195 Grand Street Jersey City Exterior

Legal Dispute Over Sale of Golden Cicada Drags On

A lawsuit has emerged over plans to redevelop the popular and often romanticized dive bar, pitting local developer The L Group against the property’s owner.
Jersey City Museum 25 Journal Square

Jersey City Approves $9 Million Purchase of 25 Journal Square for New Museum

The Jersey City Redevelopment Agency has reached a deal to purchase the property, which officials want to open an art museum in.
jersey city hoboken baseball

Home Run on the Hudson: Baseball’s History in Hoboken and Jersey City

As baseball’s pennant races heat up, take a closer look at two New Jersey historical sites: Hoboken's Elysian Fields and Jersey City's Roosevelt Stadium, that both helped shape America’s pastime.
new found glory jersey city white eagle hall

New Found Glory Coming to White Eagle Hall in Jersey City

White Eagle Hall has hired a seasoned NYC talent buyer who has already secured a solid line-up this summer and fall, including New Found Glory.
art house productions moving cast iron lofts jersey city

Art House Moving Back Downtown Because Of Demolition

Art House Productions’ building at 136 Magnolia Avenue has been fenced off for a while now and will be torn down, but concerned Journal Square residents can rest assured--AHP will relocate to Cast Iron Lofts.
iamtrenton bola okoya photographer

#IAmTrenton: New Campaign Aims to Change Perceptions of New Jersey’s Capital City

A city foundation has placed billboards throughout the region advertising the work of 17 local residents and groups.
subprime jersey city theater company

Subprime, A Dark Comedy About The Financial Crisis, Premieres Next Week In Jersey City

Is it too soon to laugh at the financial crash of 2008? Find out for yourself next week as the play Subprime premieres at the Jersey City Theatre Center’s Merseles Studios.
white eagle hall jersey city exterior

Finally! The Beautifully Restored White Eagle Hall Reopens This Month

After six years of redevelopment and with a top secret fall schedule, White Eagle Hall is set to be the coolest place in town.

