A development application that was previously scheduled to be heard by the Jersey City Zoning Board of Adjustment (ZBA) during a meeting at City Hall in March is now slated to be presented during a virtual hearing over Zoom.

The plans for 87 and 89 Jordan Avenue are on the agenda for the ZBA’s virtual meeting this Thursday, May 21 at 6:30 p.m. A company called Shubh Laxmi Jordan, LLC filed an application seeking Preliminary and Final Major Site Plan approval with multiple variances in order to build a six-story development at the site of an existing house on the premises.
A dozen parking spaces along with 28 residential units are being proposed by the developer, according to a legal notice. The notice indicated that the building would be nearly 69 feet tall if approved and ultimately built between Journal Square and McGinley Square.

Site plans from Lower Manhattan-based GRO Architects that were published by Jersey City’s municipal government show that 16 bicycle spaces would be included in a storage room inside the building. The residential units would reportedly range from 553 square feet to 1,065 square feet. A dozen of the units are slated to include two bedrooms while the remainder would each include one bedroom.
Members of the public interested in providing their opinions regarding the project will need to use Zoom to participate in the meeting, according to the agenda.
Note to readers: The dates that applications are scheduled to be heard by the Jersey City Zoning Board of Adjustment and other commissions are subject to change.
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