Barrow Mansion Jersey City

Jersey City Landmarks Conservancy’s 2023 Preservation Awards to Be Held This Week

Jersey City Landmarks Conservancy will be hosting a fundraiser in the Barrow Mansion on Thursday with an open bar to announce their excellence in preservation winners.
Krueger Scott Mansion Newark Interior

Madame Scott’s Grandson to Revive Beauty School in Newark’s Restored Krueger-Scott Mansion

Last month, members of the public got a peek inside the Krueger-Scott Mansion in its almost-finished state to see what three years and $10 million could accomplish.
Newark Symphony Hall Rendering

Newark Symphony Hall Completes First Phase of $75 Million Renovation

One of the largest public restoration projects in Newark’s history recently achieved a milestone as the iconic Symphony Hall took a big step towards its full re-opening.
The Hook Atlantic City

Spiegelworld Re-Opens Historic Atlantic City Theater with “The Hook”

Spiegelworld has restored a century-old Atlantic City theater along the boardwalk that includes several bars and an outpost of their famed Superfrico restaurant.
Wingate House 91 Woodland Road Madison 1

18th-Century Home in Madison in Danger of Demolition

Demolition permits have been filed for a Colonial-era home in Madison and soon the historic home will likely be gone forever.
The Trust Bank New Brunswick 1

Developer Looks to Transform New Brunswick Bank into Dining Destination

A century-old bank building in the heart of New Brunswick could soon be reopened, as a developer looks to revitalize the property.
South Park Church Newark Rendering

Stained Glass Windows from Demolished Queen of Angels Church in Newark Are Saved, Find...

Following the demolition of Newark’s Queen of Angels Church residents are relieved to learn that the church's stained-glass windows were not destroyed and will soon find a home at another one of the city’s religious landmarks.
Fleming House Maplewood Demolished

One of Maplewood’s Oldest Homes was Demolished, But Here’s What Residents Can Do to...

The Maplewood Dutch colonial home was known as the Fleming House, with a history that goes back to 1775.
Spiegelworld Atlantic City

Spiegelworld Las Vegas Set to Re-Launch Atlantic City’s Historic Warner Theater as The Hook

A shuttered theater that dates back almost a century along Atlantic City’s boardwalk will be opening next month as an entertainment venue called The Hook complete with a new restaurant and four unique bars.
33 Washington Street Newark

Audible Plans to Reimagine Modernist Welton Becket-Designed Building in Downtown Newark

Audible plans to renovate the ground floor of a well-known modernist building at 33 Washington St in Newark designed by architect Welton Becket.

