Despite a longstanding rivalry that encompasses everything from sports arenas to bragging rights over the Statue of Liberty, data from a Brooklyn-based moving company claims that New Jersey is the top out-of-state destination for those departing New York City.
Piece of Cake Moving & Storage recently released their first annual study aiming to shed some light on where New Yorkers moved during 2021. The conclusions are based on the over 35,000 people Piece of Cake moved over the last year and while New Jersey certainly inherited their fair share of Big Apple residents, the study determined that 87% of New Yorkers moved from one neighborhood of the city to another.
The company’s data named the hottest neighborhood destinations in Manhattan as the West Village, the Financial District, and Battery Park. On the flip side, parts of Manhattan that saw more move-outs than move-ins were concentrated in uptown neighborhoods or on the East Side.
Outside of moves within New York, more Big Apple residents moved to New Jersey and Connecticut through the company than the rest of the country combined. A whopping 54% of those moving out of New York headed to these two destinations, with Florida and Massachusetts coming in right behind New York’s two direct neighbors.
Within New Jersey, more New Yorkers moved to Jersey City than any other out-of-state municipality. The true home of the Statue of Liberty beat out much larger cities like Boston, Miami, Washington D.C., and Chicago to claim that distinction, and Hudson County was overall the most common destination for moves outside New York.
Further away from the bright lights of New York City, the Jersey Shore counties of Monmouth and Ocean also trended as some of the hottest destinations in New Jersey for New Yorkers. Connecticut’s top landing spots were in Fairfield County, with Stamford and Greenwich being the most popular destinations.
All in all, Piece of Cake Moving & Storage says they moved New Yorkers to a total of 40 different states. The most popular states New Yorkers moved to outside of the Northeast corridor and Florida were California, Texas, and North Carolina, with several cities in SoCal and Austin, Texas being the top landing spots.