Newark Walks: This Self-Guided Walking Tour Explores Over 80 Historical Sites
Several of New Jersey’s most historic sites are located within a few miles of each other in Newark. A newly-launched self-guided walking tour allows residents and visitors to see nearly all of them.
Alexander Hamilton Predicted Jersey City Would Become ‘Metropolis of the World’
Geographically, Jersey City made more sense. However, for reasons you might not think, Manhattan eventually beat Jersey City to the title.
Moe’s Bait and Tackle Shop – A Rather Unusual Sight in Jersey City Heights...
The owner of Moe's Bait and Tackle is planning to close the store in the near future after nearly 50 years.
Partnership Commits $150 Million to Reactivate Two Iconic Newark Buildings
Two office buildings, steeped in Newark heritage, are slated for modernization in a way that honors Newark’s rich history of innovation and civic engagement.
One of America’s Great Stores: How an Empire Killed Newark’s Temple to Retail
L. Bamberger & Co.’s flagship store in Newark at its peak was the the 6th largest department store in the United States, but as trends changed towards the suburbs, the city’s temple to consumerism was left behind.
Harsimus Cemetery To Host Memorial Day Celebration
The historic graveyard, which hopes to one day be restored into a park and museum, will be hosting a free Memorial Day ceremony honoring fallen soldiers complete with a musical tribute.
Route 31 Bus Service to Livingston and Maplewood Could End January 1st
The bus service has been operating from Newark Penn Station to the suburbs for decades but a new proposal could cut off service to Livingston and Maplewood.
‘Jack the Ripper’ Scare in Newark Remains Mystery a Century Later
Jack the Ripper, the infamous 19th-century serial killer, was in the news last month when someone claimed to know his identity. What many don’t know is that Newark had its own “Jack the Ripper” scare a century ago.
NJPAC Could Demolish Newark ‘Black Power’ Building for Loading Bays and Parking
A former church building in Newark that played an important role in black history could be demolished.
Exploring Louis Kahn’s Influential Trenton Bath House
Originally built in the 1950s for the Jewish Community Center by famed architect Louis Kahn, the Trenton Bath House has become a holy pilgrimage site for Kahn's disciples.