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Wu Tang Clan Hashstoria Newark Featured.v1

Wu-Tang Clan Rapper Raekwon Bringing Hashstoria Cannabis Lounge to Downtown Newark

Hashstoria —  a portmanteau of hashish and Astoria, a city in Oregon where a branch of the dispensary is located — is looking to open its fourth location in Newark’s most famous intersection.
Newark Airport Terminal A Rendering

Newark Airport Construction: Terminal A Set to Open in January

The major undertaking that is the Newark Airport renovation will be unveiling a big piece next month as a brand new $2.7 billion Terminal A hopes to transform the reputation of the aging facility.
141 151 Orchard Street Newark Rendering

Newark’s Lincoln Park Seeing Major Investment with Four New Developments

New major developments are in the works for the Lincoln Park Historic District in Newark that will together bring hundreds of new units to the neighborhood and transform the arts hub into a vibrant residential community.
Historic Newark Photo 7

Klang Klang Klang, Gone’s our Trolley: The Loss of Newark’s Transit Autonomy

Public transit is the only effective means for Newarkers to get around our city, and at one time, it was a fast, efficient, and timely endeavor. So why has it become so lousy?
58 60 Bruen Street Newark

Application to Tear Down Century-Old Ironbound Row House for 11-Story Tower to Be Heard

A developer is proposing to demolish a century-old row house in the Ironbound neighborhood of Newark to build an 11-story apartment tower that exceeds the maximum height allowed in the neighborhood.
South Park Presbyterian Church Newark

Landmark Church in Newark’s Lincoln Park Could Be Converted in Apartments

Newark’s South Park Presbyterian Church could finally see a restoration after three decades in limbo.
Branford Masjid Place Newark Protest

Legal Battle for Sold Mosque in Downtown Newark Decided in Favor of Board of...

In the eyes of many Newarkers, this battle was really one of gentrification - outsiders teaming up with wealthy developers to prey on a vulnerable Black community.
Historic Homes Newark

If Walls Could Talk, They’d Shout ‘Off with the Vinyl!’

Newark could have the prettiest neighborhoods in America… but only if we gave the humble rowhouses the same dignity as the greatest mansions on Ballantine Parkway.
Idt Building Newark

520 Broad Street in Newark Sells For $49 Million

Rafael Holdings has sold their 20-story Newark office building, which also includes an 800-car parking garage that sits on three developable acres of land.
Cathedral House 24 Rector Street Newark

NJPAC Agrees to Save ‘Black Power’ Building in Newark Historic District

Facing backlash over a plan to demolish a Newark landmark that played a role in black history, NJPAC revealed a modified redevelopment plan that would preserve a significant portion of the building including the street-facing facade and a well-known mural.

