331 Marin Blvd is one of nearly 200 new projects planned for Jersey City. See all the upcoming projects on our just-update Jersey City Development Map.

Marin Boulevard’s growth spurt may be getting some added height, as local developer SILVERMAN is looking to leave their mark on Jersey City’s skyline by constructing their first legitimate high-rise.
The project, located at 331 Marin Boulevard just steps from the Grove Street PATH station, would be a mixed-use building that would top out at 41 stories. It has been many years in the making; the company first starting buying up properties at the site in 1983 and will combine a whopping 26 lots for the project. The property currently houses a few parking lots and three small buildings, all of which would be demolished under the tower plan.
Designed by Hoboken-based Marchetto Higgins Stieve Architects, the proposed development would feature 448 rental units, a 116-space valet parking garage and 5,111 square feet of ground floor commercial space.

SILVERMAN’s proposed tower falls within the boundaries of the Morgan Grove Marin (or MGM) Redevelopment Zone, which was first adopted by the city in 2006 and last amended in June 2013. The plan’s stated purpose was to promote the principles of “Smart Growth” and “Transit Village” development, facilitate residential mixed-use buildings that minimize on-site parking, and encourage the use of mass transit.
Because of those MGM redevelopment regulations, the street level of SILVERMAN’s project will also have a 6,470 square foot theater facility that would have seating for an audience of at least 125 people. By rule, the theater would also have to sport an entry lobby at street level, a marquee and a café area.
The maximum height for the area under MGM’s regulations is 400 feet tall, but the proposed tower must be shorter as SILVERMAN is only seeking variances for utility room frontage and building setbacks. The MGM rules do not require any affordable housing be included in the project. The company hasn’t said if they will seek any abatement.
While there will inevitably be those that complain about the project’s height, the tower’s size is pretty in line with other completed and under-construction developments in the direct vicinity. Across the street from SILVERMAN’s potential project is The Morgan at Provost Square at 38 stories tall. Phase Two of that project, currently under construction, will eventually reach the same height. One block south, 70 Columbus rises 50 stories and its counterpart, 90 Columbus, will also top out at 50 stories when completed.
SILVERMAN’s 331 Marin project, first presented at the Harsimus Cove Association’s meeting in July, 2016. It was heard by the Planning Board at their October 18th, 2016 meeting and was ‘approved with conditions’, however, we don’t know what those conditions are. Both SILVERMAN and Marchetto declined numerous requests for further information regarding the project.
If it ever comes to fruition, 331 Marin will be another piece of Jersey City’s evolving skyline.