While towering high rises and developments with huge unit counts tend to get the headlines, smaller projects have always been abundant throughout Hudson county’s more historic neighborhoods. One of those emerged last month in The Village section of Downtown and looks to add a modern development that could rise four stories.
On May 11, plans were presented during a virtual meeting of the Village Neighborhood Association for three side-by-side row houses at 387-391 First Street. All the structures on the undersized lots would be replaced with a 12-unit project that covers 100% of the properties under the current proposal.

Designed by New York-based Input Creative Studios, the development would include two one-bedroom apartments and 10 two-bedroom spaces. Select units in the elevator building would feature Juliet balconies and nine parking spaces are included in plans for the property, which backs up to one of Downtown several embankments.
The development would include a common roof deck and utilize cast stone and brick on its exterior. The project is being pitched by Sam Steinberg, who is listed as the property owner for the 387 First Street parcel.
The land falls within an R-5 Zone and as currently envisioned, the project would need a few variances to move forward. Exceptions for maximum building coverage (70% allowable) and lot coverage (80% allowable) would need to be granted as well as a variance for density, as the development seeks to build 12 units where nine are currently permitted.
Other more minor variances related to a minimum rear yard setback and 0% landscaping where 20% is required would also be granted. The project will need to be heard by the city’s zoning board before moving forward and representatives for the developer stated during last month’s meeting that plans haven’t been submitted to the city just yet, which Jersey Digs has been able to independently confirm.
A timeline for the project has not been announced.
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