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Tag: one journal square

Kushner Kabr Sue Jersey City One Journal Square 2

Court Says Jersey City Can Keep Over $700k from Stalled Kushner Development

An appeals court ruled that an affordable housing contribution made to the city by a former developer doesn't have to be returned despite the project never getting built.
Kushner Kabr Sue Jersey City One Journal Square

Kushner and KABR Sue Jersey City, Claiming Anti-Trump Politics

The companies behind One Journal Square have accused Mayor Steve Fulop of conspiring with city entities he controls, in an attempt to push the Kushner family out of the project for political gain.
One Journal Square Jersey City Exterior 2

Kushner’s One Journal Square Project Violates Redevelopment Agreement

The Jersey City Redevelopment Agency sent a letter to KABR and Kushner Companies informing them that a tax abatement and redevelopment bonds on the project are in jeopardy.
one journal square kushner jersey city apartments

Politics Still Shrouds One Journal Square As Kushner Cos. Plans to Move Forward

Financial delays and politics put One Journal Square in limbo. But a new investor and political meetings promise to bring the project back to life.
wework abandons journal square jersey city project

WeWork Abandons One Journal Square, Kushner’s Ambitious Jersey City Project

A Journal Square project, currently at the center of a media firestorm, is dealing with another previously unreported setback.
journal square jersey city real estate

Journal Square Prepares for the Boom

Journal Square’s big moment of truth is rapidly approaching and the neighborhood is preparing for the pending residential boom in several ways, which include some spruced-up streets, a transit hub renovation, and emerging community organization.
one journal square 30 journal square approved

Three Kushner and KABR-backed Towers Approved in Journal Square

After years of plans, designs, false starts and a few broken hearts, the long-vacant lot at One Journal Square has both a reputable developer and an approved, supersized plan, plus another approved project across the street at an iconic building for good measure.
welive wework-one journal square jersey city

WeWork in Talks to Bring WeLive Concept to One Journal Square Tower

We’ve heard rumblings about this for a few months now but were waiting on independent verification, well now we have it. The Real Deal reports that WeWork is planning to bring its WeLive concept to their upcoming location at One Journal Square.

WeWork One Step Closer to Opening Journal Square Outpost

In another major win for Jersey City, the New Jersey Economic Development Authority approved a $59 million Grow New Jersey award to WeWork Companies,...
one journal square rendering

Kushner Companies’ One Journal Square

One Journal Square Overview One Journal Square is an approved mega project on the corner of Bergen Ave and Sip Ave in Journal Square. The...

