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654 688 South 11th Street Newark Rendering

Rendering Revealed for Affordable Housing Project on Newark’s 11th Street

A local developer looking to fill a significant housing need in Newark and is hoping to begin construction on her latest development next summer.
American Legion Post 107 At 308 2nd Street Hoboken 3

Plans for Expansion, Veterans Housing Revealed at Hoboken’s American Legion Post

A Hoboken institution will add much needed affordable housing units for veterans.
Tompkins Street Development West Orange Nj 6

Development With ‘Affordable’ Apartments Proposed for West Orange’s Valley Section

Another project could be coming to the Valley, a neighborhood located in both Orange and West Orange near the Highland Avenue train station.
Hue Soul 1 South Burnet Street East Orange Nj Rendering

Renderings Released for Approved ‘Hue Soul’ Mixed-Use Project in East Orange

Jersey Digs reported earlier this month that a company is proposing a complex with retail space and more than 100 residential units between East Orange’s two train stations. Now, we know what the project could look like if it ends up being built.
Terrell Homes Newark Tax Abatement Planned

Tax Abatement Possible for 69-Unit Development Around Newark’s Terrell Homes

The City of Newark is considering a 30-year tax abatement for a proposed age-restricted development in the East Ward.
Terrell Homes Newark Phase One Rendering

New Details Revealed About Development Around Newark’s Terrell Homes

The Newark Housing Authority is planning to partner with a private developer to bring close to 70 residential units for senior citizens.

