Coming soon to 654 Newark Avenue, just east of Five Corners, is Sa-go-to Bubble Tea World. Very little is known about the new tea shop, but their brand-new pink signage has certainly brightened up a bland stretch of Newark Avenue near Journal Square.
Boba, also known as pearl milk tea, bubble milk tea, boba tea, or most commonly just bubble tea, is a tea-based drink from Taiwan created in the 1980s. Flavored with sugar and milk or fruit, the tea is a sweet treat with tapioca bubbles, explaining both the name and the need for those extra large straws.
The most common flavors are black tea or green tea, both with milk and bubbles, but taro (a root) and other fruit flavors like mango and honeydew are usually available in tea houses, too. The typical bubble, or type of starch, is tapioca, but sago is another starchy pearl, similar to tapioca and may be the inspiration for the new tea shop’s name.
Sa-go-to Bubble Tea World does not appear to have a website or social media presence yet, but stay tuned to Jersey Digs for updates. Fingers crossed, refreshingly sweet bubble tea will be an option in Journal Square by summertime.