The second phase of a massive development project in Harrison could bring hundreds of residential units and even a hotel to a former industrial site near the western Hudson County town’s PATH station.
The Hudson County Planning Board is scheduled to hear an application by Accordia Harrison Urban Renewal, LLC involving the next phase of the Harrison Yards complex during its virtual meeting over Zoom today, Tuesday, May 19 at 6:30 p.m. A copy of the developer’s application states that two mixed-use buildings are planned for the property at 700 Frank E. Rodgers Boulevard South.

The Hudson County Planning Board’s project description says that these new structures would bring 884 residential units, retail space, a hotel with 200 rooms, and automated parking garages with 1,324 spaces to the premises. However, a May 5 letter from Remington & Vernick Engineers to the Hudson County Division of Planning mentioned that the development proposal now calls for 898 residential units and 1,350 parking spaces, though the 200-room hotel component has remained.

One of the buildings would be 26 stories tall while the other would be 17 stories tall, according to the letter, which added that 204,709 square feet of retail and commercial space along with 40,784 square feet of park space are also envisioned.
Like all development sites in this previously industrial part of Harrison, the property is located not far away from the Passaic River. However, a letter on May 13 from the Hudson County Division of Planning to the developer’s attorney stated in part that the Hudson County Effective Flood Insurance Rating Map shows that “the site does not appear to be located in a flood hazard area.”
This proposal comes as a significant change from the initial vision for the second phase of the development at the Harrison Yards site. The May 5 letter from Remington & Vernick Engineers and site plans from Architectura show that 431 residential units and 8,106 square feet of retail space were originally planned.
Note to readers: The dates that applications are scheduled to be heard by the Hudson County Planning Board and other commissions are subject to change.
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