Nearly two and a half years ago, Jersey Digs reported on Passaic County-based Hudson Yards West, LLC’s proposal to bring a new mixed-use development to 3308 Palisade Avenue and 3309 Hudson Avenue in Union City. However, the Union City Planning Board denied the developer’s plans for the properties, causing the project to never be constructed.
Now, as a result of a tentative settlement of a lawsuit that Hudson Yards West filed against the planning board because of the denial, a hearing next week could determine whether or not this development will, in fact, be allowed to move forward.
The Board is now scheduled to hear an application by Hudson Yards West during a special “Whispering Woods hearing” on Tuesday, November 12, according to an official notice from City Hall. A separate legal notice from the developer’s attorney states that the current version of the project calls for a six-story building that would include 78 residential units.
Unlike several other new projects in Hudson County, there would be no studios in this development, with the building instead consisting of 16 one-bedroom units, 52 two-bedroom units, and 10 three-bedroom units. The attorney’s notice shows that there are also plans for 4,000 square feet of commercial space and a total of 155 parking spaces on the premises, which were acquired by the developer for $3 million in 2016.
Initially, Hudson Yards West envisioned a 74-unit development for the properties. However, there were subsequent ideas, including what attorney Richard Schkolnick described to the planning board as a “base proposal” consisting of 71 units and an “alternate plan” for 90 smaller units, according to meeting minutes.
During a January 2018 planning board meeting, Schkolnick was quoted as stating that “we have some serious concerns that this matter has dragged on, and it is our intent to complete the application this evening.”
However, later that night, all present members of the planning board ended up voting to deny the application, with Chairperson Diane Capizzi reportedly citing concerns over disagreements, the lack of a topographical survey, public safety, and the fact that the development would not contain an “affordable housing” component. The lawsuit by Hudson Yards West was filed less than two months later.
Then, in April of this year, Superior Court Judge Joseph Turula “overturned the Planning Board’s denial of the 71-unit project and remanded [Hudson Yard West’s] application for the 90-unit project back to the Planning Board for certain further decision-making,” according to the attorney’s legal notice.
In the time since, a tentative settlement between Hudson Yards West and the Union City Planning Board has apparently been reached, with an agreement that the hearing on the developer’s application will be reopened and there will be a new vote to determine whether or not the newly amended 78-unit proposal will be given the necessary approvals.
The planning board’s special hearing regarding the project on November 12 will begin at 6:00 p.m.
Note to readers: The dates that applications are scheduled to be heard by the Union City Planning Board and other commissions are subject to change.
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