Newark’s Vailsburg section primarily contains single-family homes, two-family homes, and commercial buildings, with few modern multi-family developments. However, a new proposal calls for bringing a new six-story residential building to the middle of this West Ward neighborhood.
The proposal from Ironbound-based Black Stone Holdings, LLC involves 58-60 Boylan Street, which has long been a vacant lot. The LLC is looking to construct a development with 24 residential units and seven parking spaces, according to an application.

Site plans from CREARC, LLC show that the building’s sixth floor would include a 600-square-foot gym, a meeting room, and outdoor space.
The property is located between South Orange Avenue and Abinger Place, close to the Boylan Street Pool and the old Boylan Street School. Black Stone Holdings, LLC is the owner of the parcel, according to municipal tax filings.
The Newark Zoning Board of Adjustment would need to grant the developer preliminary and final site plan approval with variances relating to use, lot area, lot width, lot coverage, setback, facade transparency, garage lighting, and parking in order for the project to be cleared to proceed.
A virtual public hearing has been set for Thursday, December 2, at 6:00 p.m.
Note to readers: The dates that applications are scheduled to be heard by the Newark Zoning Board of Adjustment and other commissions are subject to change.