Fresh off recent news that yet more development will be coming to Jersey City’s northern border, the burgeoning neighborhood could soon become even busier. New York-based Argo Real Estate will be asking officials to make zoning changes that would allow the construction of an 18-story residential building just off the I-78 corridor.

The company owns a parcel of land directly west of the 14th Street Garden Center and across 15th Street from the recently-opened SoHo Lofts. The portion of the property they wish to develop lies on the Coles Street side, and Argo told the Hamilton Park Neighborhood Association that the Garden Center would stay put under the proposal.
The land falls within the Jersey Avenue Park Redevelopment Plan, which currently designates the parcel for warehouse, industrial, hotel, and other uses, and caps building height on the property at 100 feet. Residential development is not presently allowed at the site. So, Argo is seeking to amend the plan to allow a building that could rise as high as 18 stories and 218 feet.
The company presented their plans to the association at meetings held on September 13 and November 2. The association confirmed that their development committee has discussed the proposal, but has not clarified to Jersey Digs if they have officially taken a position on the changes. Their next meeting takes place on December 7, although no agenda has been announced.

Argo has not responded to inquiries about the proposed changes, and nothing has been officially presented to the Planning Board. The earliest that could happen would be December 5, when the board could hear the changes, sign off on the modifications, and then send them to the City Council for final approval.
The Jersey Avenue Park Redevelopment Plan was already modified earlier this year, as the City Council agreed to create a new district encompassing the entire Emerson Radio Factory. While a timeline for the latest changes remains somewhat unclear, further updates could materialize as early as next month.
[gmap height=”250px”]coles street and 14th street, jersey city, nj[/gmap]