As Jersey Digs has been reporting, residential development projects continue to be proposed in the Ironbound section of Newark’s East Ward. However, over the last few years, the majority of proposals have been for communities in the northern end of the neighborhood close to Downtown, Newark Penn Station, and the Ferry Street business district. Now, a new development could be built further south in the Ironbound in a community with a mixture of residential, commercial, and industrial properties.
According to a legal notice, a new project is planned for 437-451 Mulberry Street, between Thomas Street and South Street. The project went before the Newark Zoning Board of Adjustment during its October 12th meeting. The proposed building is four stories tall and will includes 22 residential units. 19 parking spaces would be provided below the units, according to City records.
The application cites the developer as 437-451 Mulberry St, LLC, which is registered out of the Lucky Plaza building on Ferry Street. NJ Parcels records show that the company acquired the property in March of this year for $200,000 from Crown Real Estate Holdings of Elizabeth. The latter company bought the property for $100 at a 2016 Sheriff’s sale, the data shows.
437-451 Mulberry St, LLC filed an application in June for Preliminary and Final Site Plan Approval for variances including “use, excessive density, insufficient lot width, insufficient front yard setback, excessive side yard setback, exceeding maximum impervious coverage for front yard on Mulberry Street, insufficient building transparency for front, non-street facing and street facing sides, excessive fence height, [and] insufficient parking” in order to develop in this MX-2 district.
The property currently contains a vehicle salvage yard and related automotive buildings, all of which would be removed in order to make way for this development. It is situated near the New Jersey Transit and Amtrak tracks, though Newark Penn Station is a mile away from the site.