Another member of the tower-tastic rebirth of Journal Square is 30 Journal Square, former home of the Jersey Journal. The site is being developed by Kushner Companies and KABR Group. Original plans revealed a Ismael Leyva designed 40-story tower with 525 units. The new tower will incorporate the existing Jersey Journal building into the design with the tower rising up behind it.

However, in February 2016, changes were proposed to the Journal Square redevelopment plan that would remove the height restriction. If they the changes are approved, it’s rumored the developers of 30 Journal Square will seek to increase the tower to 60-stories.

A pedestrian plaza with retail shops is planned on the ground level that would lead to public plaza behind the building.
Jared Kushner has stated that the 30 Journal Square project is on hold so they can focus on One Journal Square.

[gmap height=”250px”]30 Journal Square Plaza, Jersey City, NJ 07306[/gmap]
30 Journal Square Plaza, Jersey City, NJ 07306