PPG Industries Sues Jersey City Over Canal Crossing Site
The lawsuit claims developers of neighboring parcels "have met secretly with JCRA to reach an agreement [that would] appoint Hampshire and Boraie as Redeveloper of certain PPG Properties."
Jersey City Getting Tough Over Neglected 125 Monitor Street Site
The current owner of the Bergen-Lafayette property, who was sued for fraud earlier this year, was arrested in May after a bench warrant was issued against him over an unsafe structure citation.
Following Lawsuit, 141 Brunswick Street in Jersey City Gets Redesigned
A lawsuit seeking to void a development’s approvals has sparked a project re-design that better conforms with existing zoning but eliminates all off-street parking spots.
Hoboken Approves New Hilton Hotel Deal With $3.2 Million in Givebacks
The reworked pact, which no longer includes a renovation of the city’s YMCA, clears the way for Hoboken’s planning board to hear the application and move the project forward.
NY Waterway, Hoboken Union Dry Dock Dispute Heads to Court
NY Waterway has filed a request to Hudson County Superior Court after receiving a stop work order at the site from the City of Hoboken.
Lawsuit Seeks to Void Sale of 125 Monitor Street in Jersey City
The former owners of the prominent Bergen-Lafayette property claim that the new owners engaged in a conspiracy to deflate the parcel’s value before selling it to a straw buyer at a below-market price.
Deutsche Bank Sues Union City for Tortiously Interfering with Their Business
The company says Mayor Brian Stack has ignored their requests to settle fines on a property they purchased out of foreclosure because the city wants the parcel for themselves.
Jersey City Loses Latest Battle With Kushner, Ordered to Pay Legal Fees
The city will fork over $137,000 in fees to several defendants and has a slew of litigation against them that could get expensive over the coming months.
Hoboken Voids Hilton Hotel Deal, Looks to Negotiate New Pact
A lawsuit over community givebacks has officially killed an agreement that would have allowed a 20-story hotel to rise along the Hudson River.
New Designation Calls for Mecca to Drop Bates Street Redevelopment Lawsuit
A dispute involving whether a Jersey City property owner has the right to redevelop his own property appears to have reached a resolution.