Fort Lee High Rise Already in Foreclosure Misses Another Payment
Once a promising redevelopment, this Fort Lee mixed-use building now stands at the center of a foreclosure fight over mounting debt and maintenance failures.
Amid Lawsuits and Protests, Work Stops on 38-Story Halo in Newark
The first phase of Newark's Halo development has been plagued by safety concerns and a court action.
Jersey City Officially Files Legal Action to Seize 50 Journal Square
Jersey City is looking to acquire the vacant building 50 Journal Square via condemnation proceedings after their offer of $1.2 million was turned down.
Fate of Jersey City’s 125 Monitor Street Could Be Decided Soon
One of the most problematic abandoned properties in Jersey City is still bogged down in legal proceedings but recent court moves have signaled a resolution could soon emerge.
Epire Wins Lawsuit That Tried to Block Their 12-Story Jersey City Development
A three-judge panel ruled that Jersey City’s planning board acted appropriately when approving the project.
Lawsuit Seeks to Void Jersey City’s New Tenant Friendly Right-to-Counsel Law
An ordinance that has been hailed as a big win for renters by Jersey City officials is subject to a legal challenge as a property rights group claims a right-to-counsel law for tenants is unconstitutional.
Union City Sues to Block 675-Unit Development in Hoboken
Union City is taking Hoboken to court to stop a three-building project, claiming officials are misrepresenting the development’s height and engaging in a “quid pro quo” by accepting community givebacks.
New Lawsuit Seeks to Block Story Cannabis Dispensary in Hoboken
A condo association is looking to void approvals that would allow Story cannabis dispensary to open on 14th Street in Hoboken.
St. Peter’s Sues Jersey City Over Demolition Permit Denial
St. Peter’s Prep is looking to the courts for a ruling that would allow them to tear down two historic Jersey City structures on York Street and replace them with a surface parking lot.
Legal Battle for Sold Mosque in Downtown Newark Decided in Favor of Board of...
In the eyes of many Newarkers, this battle was really one of gentrification - outsiders teaming up with wealthy developers to prey on a vulnerable Black community.