Getting to Know My Neighbors in Bergen-Lafayette

As I walk around the area, I see and meet lots of people. Some are new transplants, some have been here for decades and some are born and raised. I wanted to find out their thoughts on the area so I asked them five questions.
loews theatre journal square

Waiting in the Wings: Loew’s Theater and its Future

The question of why the Loew's Journal Square has been unable to undergo a Kings Theater (Brooklyn) style full renovation under the Fulop administration (or prior administrations) and become a cultural destination with more jobs and year-round programming, is a complex one. We caught up with Friends of Loew's to get the scoop.
bergen arches project jersey city rendering

Bergen Arches Proposal Envisions a World Class Cultural Destination in Jersey City

For all of its history, Jersey City has been a conduit for transport between NYC and the rest of the country. Over time, the logistics of transportation has changed leaving artifacts of a bygone era all over the city. Now the long forgotten Bergen Arches are the subject of a proposed community-based redevelopment project led by local residents and activists.
bergen lafayette jersey city things to do

5 Fun Things to Explore in Bergen-Lafayette

As Bergen-Lafayette grows in popularity, so does its amenities. New cultural and community focused activities are popping up all around the neighborhood. These 5 provide good reasons to get out and explore the area.
day trips from jersey city visit asbury park

Asbury Park: Jersey City’s Beachy Sister

Even short city escapes have worthy benefits—like returning with wider eyes and perhaps a souvenir in tow, or at least a little beach in your hair. Asbury Park, one of the closest shore points to Jersey City (clocking in at an hour away and skipping most shore Parkway traffic), has become an ideal destination for such a spell.
jersey city monopoly board mural newark ave

Monopoly Madness!

Over the past week, the story on how a Monopoly-themed mural at the tip of the Newark Avenue Pedestrian Plaza wound up officially painted over, has materialized into a public discussion. Commission, censorship, hypersensitivity, freedom of expression in art, and corporate sponsorship are now the charged pieces at the center of the game board.
silklofts 154 Avenue E bayonne exterior

Bayonne’s SilkLofts Celebrates Its History

The hulking, four-building industrial complex at 154 Avenue E was converted into the SilkLofts rental complex in 2014. But before that, the building facilitated the manufacturing of everything from the modern bra to military parachutes and carrier pigeon vests. Last night, a homecoming of sorts was held to commemorate the building's history.
335 barrow street jersey city

[Tomorrow] Green Villain Hosts 10-Hour Art & Music Festival in Downtown Jersey City

Just one block from the Grove Street PATH station, Green Villain is hosting a Green Villain Exchange (GVX) Art & Music Festival. The currently vacant lot at 335 Barrow Street is slated for development next year. So why not take advantage and host a party before that happens
st ann's festival hoboken 2016

5-Day St. Ann’s Italian Festival Begins Tonight in Hoboken

St. Ann’s Italian Festival is an annual tradition for so many in Hoboken and its surrounding communities. It is no accident that this festival is going on 106 years strong. The festival starts tonight at 6pm.
keith kimmel paternal romance series

Tonight Join Keith Kimmel in ‘The CO-Lab Experience’ at Mana Contemporary

Gary Lichtenstein Editions presents a radical evening of art at the edge with painter Keith Kimmel tonight. The event is titled “The CO-Lab Experience,” a live interactive performance situated within an exhibition of the artist’s recent and retrospective works. In the CO-Lab Experience, Keith Kimmel will break thru the classic wall of separation between artist and spectator by inviting the public to actively participate in an evening of collaborative painting.

