Approvals and variances could soon be granted in connection with a proposal to bring a residential development to a block in Newark’s East Ward.
During a virtual meeting on Monday, January 25, the Newark Central Planning Board is scheduled to hear an application involving plans for a five-story project at 20-26 and 28-34 Main Street in the Ironbound neighborhood.
The application refers to this project as “28 Main Street Apartments” and says that the building would be comprised of “approximately 66 condominium residential apartment units.”
There would also be 32 one-bedroom units and 34 two-bedroom units spread throughout the upper four floors, according to a January 19 municipal staff report. The report notes that there would also be 66 parking spaces and a lobby on the ground floor along with a bicycle storage room, gym, and outdoor terrace area on the second floor.
One comment from the report says that “the proposed project is within a Redevelopment Plan Area and contains 66 residential units, triggering the City’s inclusionary housing requirement. Pursuant to the City’s inclusionary housing ordinance, the project is required to designate 20% of the units (13 units), as affordable units.”
The staff document includes 12 suggested conditions of approval, one of which is that “the applicant shall comply with the City’s Inclusionary Zoning Ordinance by providing the required affordable units on-site.”
The premises are situated near the CVS Pharmacy location that is being constructed along Ferry Street. Part of the site is vacant while another portion contains a vacant one-story building that would be torn down, according to the report.
The properties are just over a mile from Newark Penn Station and the PATH station in Harrison, but are close to stops on New Jersey Transit’s 1 and 108 bus lines to Jersey City and Manhattan.
Monday’s meeting is expected to begin over Zoom at 6:00 p.m. The meeting agenda lists the “applicant/owner” as 28 Main Street Associates, LLC and 347 Ferry Street Urban Renewal, LLC.
An affidavit of ownership released by Newark’s municipal government states that Jared Lustbader is the manager of both West Orange-based 347 Ferry St. Urban Renewal, LLC and LJL 28 Main St. Associates, LLC, the latter of which is in turn listed as the managing member of 28 Main Street Associates, LLC.
Meanwhile, a disclosure statement for 28 Main Street Associates, LLC that was also released by the City of Newark indicates that 75 percent of the company is owned by LJL 28 Main St. Associates, LLC, with the remaining 25 percent being owned by Solomon Steplight of Newark.
Note to readers: The dates that applications are scheduled to be heard by the Newark Central Planning Board and other commissions are subject to change.