Port Authority is Spending $1.3B to Raise the Bayonne Bridge 64 Feet. Why?

With a price tag of over $1.3 Billion, The Navigational Clearance Project is one of the largest public works projects in the NYC metro area. Known locally as the Bayonne Bridge raising, the project hasn’t garnered the attention that it deserves.

Bayonne City Council Approves 10 Story Building at 957 Broadway

Jersey City isn’t the only area experiencing a building boom. Bayonne is getting their fair share now too. Just last week the Bayonne City Council approved plans for a 10-story building at the corner of Broadway and 46th Street.

Bayonne: The Next Construction Boom?

park bayonne
While Bayonne may regularly claim a $20 million structural deficit and has struggled with tax increases in recent years, city officials are making an effort to encourage significant redevelopment, some on sites that have been dormant for decades. The city, a narrow peninsula sometimes criticized as an afterthought of Hudson County’s real estate boom, is now home to Park Bayonne,...

Bayonne is Tearing Down its Historic Properties

124 5th Street, Bayonne
As reported by the Hudson County View, Bayonne resident Baer Hanusz-Rajkowsi is concerned about the increasing trend of demolishing historical properties in the city. So much so that he personally gathered 700 signatures to petition the city to halt the demolition of the Emmett Smith house at 124 5th Street at John F. Kennedy Boulevard. The 19th century home built...