A Jersey City property that is situated between Downtown and McGinley Square could be subdivided in order to allow for a new high-rise development on part of the premises.
The nearly one-acre tract at 591 Montgomery Street is the subject of a development application by the property’s owner, Newark-based Jones Hall Associates. The company is seeking Preliminary, Final Site Plan, and Minor Subdivision approval along with multiple variances in order to permit the construction of an 18-story mixed-use building on what is currently an undeveloped portion of the tract.
If the plans continue to advance, the development would include 15 stories of housing, three stories of “medical use,” and both surface and underground parking, according to a public notice. The number of residential units is not yet clear.
Located adjacent to The Beacon, 591 Montgomery Street currently includes Jones Hall, a senior housing complex that has also been referred to as Al Blozis Hall. Back when the Jersey City Medical Center occupied this property, Jones Hall served as housing for hospital employees. The building is expected to remain despite the development plans and would be on its own parcel should the subdivision of the site be permitted, according to the notice.
Jones Hall Associates’ application was previously scheduled to go before the Jersey City Zoning Board of Adjustment on January 23 but is now expected to be heard on Thursday, February 6, at 6:30 p.m.
Note to readers: The dates that applications are scheduled to be heard by the Jersey City Zoning Board of Adjustment and other commissions are subject to change.
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