Get to know the neighborhoods
There’s much more to Jersey City than just the areas next to the PATH stations. Take some time to get familiar with all the different neighborhoods Chilltown offers, from Greenville to The Heights. This map is a great starting point. Have questions about the safety of a specific neighborhood? Neighborhoodscout has an interactive map that provides the crime rates in different areas.
The internet is your friend
To get familiar with price points and types of apartments available throughout Jersey City, Zillow, HotPads and Craigslist provide plenty of information and listings. Have questions about transportation, looking for a roommate or want to know more about a certain neighborhood? Use forums to communicate with Jersey City aficionados – Reddit and JCList are our top local resources.
To broker or not to broker
Jersey City is home to many high-rise amenity filled buildings, like The One. Most are currently located in the downtown/waterfront neighborhoods but this will change in the next few years as developments in areas such as Journal Square are completed. These buildings usually have their own leasing office through which you can directly set up appointments to view units. Spend a Saturday touring the ones that match your neighborhood preference and price point and you will find your new home before you know it – no broker needed, call directly and set up your own appointments.
Many of the smaller buildings, though, have relationships with local brokers and using a broker is the only way to access these listings. Typically, brokers have a good grasp of the neighborhood and can find you that needle in a haystack unit you’ve been searching for. This does come at a cost though, typically brokers here charge a fee equal to 1 months rent. So be sure to factor that into your budget. If you need help finding a reputable broker, contact Jersey Digs and we can refer you to an agent that we’ve personally vetted.
Hit the pavement
Are cookie cutter high rises not your cup of tea? Before committing to using a broker to help with your search spend some time walking the streets of your desired neighborhood. Jersey City has a small town feel and apartment advertising is no exception. You’ll be surprised by how many signs you’ll find advertising apartments for rent – many landlords never advertise online to get their units rented. Spend a few minutes at local neighborhood spots, whether it’s a coffee shop or a laundromat. Chat with the people who work or frequent these establishments and they will likely point your search in the right direction.
There’s more to transportation than the PATH
Of course, living near a PATH station is the ultimate convenience. But just because your apartment isn’t walking distance from one doesn’t mean you’re SOL. Jersey City has a rather unique light rail system that provides access to areas away from the PATH. And soon we’ll have our own Citibike system that works along side NYC’s. See a map of planned stations here.
Lastly, be sure to follow Jersey Digs – we’ll help make you an informed Jersey City renter!