A project that has brought increased life to Hamilton Park’s northern fringes is looking to take a significant step toward building what will be its final portion.
Later tonight, the planning board will be hearing an application from a company called 360 8 Street LLC. A subsidiary of DVORA Life, which is itself a relatively new brand from Shuster Development, the company was behind the first two phases of the Hamilton House development that spans almost an entire block of Brunswick Street between 9th and 10th streets.
Despite the company’s legal name, the latest proposal actually involves a surface parking lot at 367 10th Street that could be developed into a new residential building. Designed by Hoboken-based Marchetto Higgins Stieve, the third and last phase of Hamilton House would consist of a seven-story structure that rises just over 66 feet.

54 rental units consisting of 20 two-bedroom spaces and 34 three-bedroom apartments are included in the proposal. Of those spaces, four of them will be designated as affordable housing, with two set aside as work force units and the other two for those with moderate incomes. A select number of the apartments feature private terraces.
187 valet parking spaces would be included along the ground floor and plans submitted by DVORA include a parking management plan outlining the shared use of the spaces. Amenities at the proposed elevator building include a pool and common courtyard on the first floor and a common rooftop space for residents of the building.
The third phase of Hamilton House falls within the 9th and Brunswick Zone of the Enos Jones Park Redevelopment Plan, which was enacted in 2018 to guide development along the neighborhood’s fringes and help revitalize Enos Jones Park. DVORA will be requesting a “c” variance for height from the board as part of their application.
The planning board is scheduled to hear the application for Hamilton House’s last portion during their March 10 meeting, which takes place in the Council Chambers of City Hall at 280 Grove Street and starts at 5:30 p.m.