The neighborhood in Jersey City where Wards B, C, and F meet may be known as McGinley Square, but a triangle within this community is what developers are focusing on.

For decades, several buildings occupied the parcels stretching south from the corner of Monticello and Fairmount Avenues to Fairview Avenue, including a four-story apartment building and multiple structures that were two or three stories tall. However, over the years, many of the buildings that were once home to local residents along with businesses like Hudson Furniture & Appliances, the Fairmount Mill, and Milly’s Unisex Beauty Center fell into disrepair.
Then, within the past two years, all of the structures on the premises were torn down, leaving a large and empty triangle-shaped lot in the middle of the neighborhood. However, the tracts might not remain vacant for long.
The entire site, which officially consists of 4-12 Fairview Avenue, 221-227 Fairmount Avenue, and 220-238 Monticello Avenue, is owned by a company that is planning a major redevelopment. Monticello Equity Properties, LLC is looking to construct a 10-story mixed-use complex that would take up nearly the entire triangle. The project, which is currently being referred to as “Monticello Triangle,” would be among the largest in the vicinity if approved and completed.

In an interview with Jersey Digs, project architect Dean Marchetto with Marchetto Higgins Stieve stated that the development is set to include 199 residential units along with a parking garage, a 2,065-square-foot gym, self-storage space, and an outdoor terrace for residents. In addition, a triangular public plaza and two retail spaces are included in the proposal, with one of the retail spaces being 5,275 square feet and the other being 4,435 square feet.
”They could be combined because they are right next to each other,” Marchetto explained, adding that “the retail space opens up to that triangular plaza so if a restaurant were to come, they would have outdoor seating there.”

Renderings of Monticello Triangle show that there would also be a lobby and lounge area along with a concierge and 10 of the apartments.

Although it was initially slated to be heard by the Jersey City Planning Board in the spring, Marchetto said that the design of the underground parking garage portion of the proposal is being amended. The updated plans are expected to go before the board in the near future.