There will soon be another place to eat Mexican food in Jersey City, but the business is no stranger to Hudson County.
MezCal Kitchen, which has been serving residents of Bayonne on Broadway for over two years, revealed recently that it will be expanding its presence by opening a location in its neighboring city to the north. Currently, the business serves a wide range of options, with menu items including appetizers like plantain fritters and Mexican-style corn on the cob along with entrees like pollo asado, fajitas, and burritos. The Bayonne restaurant also has a liquor license and serves beer, wine, and cocktails.

Multiple attempts to find out the Jersey City MezCal Kitchen’s exact location from management were unsuccessful, but an employee told Jersey Digs that it will be in Journal Square near the courthouse. It will join other Mexican restaurants in the neighborhood like Taqueria Gloria and Mi Mariachi.
The Journal Square restaurant is expected to open in August, according to the employee.