Jersey City Ranks Third Nationally for Highest Rent

jersey city apartment rent prices average
A new report out on rental trends confirms what we already knew, rent prices are rising. Nationwide, rents are up 2.3% year over year. More surprisingly, Jersey City ranks #3 nationally for the highest median rent.

Battle Over Union Labor On Abated Properties Chugs On

union labor jersey city pilot program
A Jersey City ordinance that says developments granted property tax abatements must hire union labor on their projects was struck a blow last week by an Appeals Court, although the city’s top official says the matter is far from settled.

Tax Break Approved for 93-Unit Project in Lafayette

2-16 ash-street 440-446 whiton street jersey city
A new development project may soon be breaking ground in the Lafayette neighborhood of Jersey City. Last week, City Council voted to approve a 20-year tax abatement for a project at 2-16 Ash Street / 440-446 Whiton Street.

Transformative McGinley Square Project Breaks Ground

720 bergen ave mcginley square development jersey city ground breaking
Yesterday, officials from The KABR Group and Jersey City came together for a ceremonial ground breaking on a new 5-floor rental building at 720-726 Bergen Avenue in Jersey City’s McGinley Square neighborhood. The project is the first major residential development in the area in decades.

Jersey News: JC Casino ‘an icon’, Christie OKs Pot for PTSD, NJ Millennials Live at Home

jersey city casino plans
Our weekly news roundup of New Jersey stories you may have missed. This week, Jersey City casino developer touts project as iconic, NJ millennials are still living at home, Gannett slashes jobs at NJMG, more.

This Sunday, Head to The Beacon for the 1st Annual Jersey City First Responders Charity Cook-Off

1st annual jersey city first responders charity cookoff
Join Jersey City’s bravest and finest for an afternoon of eats, drinks and community! The 1st Annual Jersey City First Responders Charity Cook-Off at The Beacon will feature several different food dishes to taste and vote on alongside local and celebrity judges.

Construction Officially Begins on NJCU’s University Place

Earlier this week, officials from Claremont Companies, Circle Squared Alternative Investments, and the Hampshire Companies came together for the official groundbreaking of the New Jersey City University’s University Place project.

Lift a Glass for the Embankment Tonight at Barcade

embankment barcade fundraiser
The Embankment Preservation Coalition is hosting a fundraising happy hour at Barcade tonight, Thursday, September 15th. Drop by from 6:30 to 10:30 pm to talk about the community's hopes for the historic Harsimus Branch and its much-loved Embankment.

A Controversial Development Up on Bergen Hill

136 summit ave jersey city
Plans that would have approved a new nine-story mixed-use building in Bergen Hill were tabled by the Planning Board at last week’s meeting, but the battle for what replaces a vacant medical facility might continue to wage on in the coming months.

Good Vibes at Pacific Flea

pacific flea jersey city sign
Joel Maffei, co-founder/director of Pacific Flea, brings quality vendors, artists and musical acts to the Bergen-Lafayette neighborhood on second Saturdays, April-October. The next market is September 10 and the final market October 8.