19-Unit Development Could Come to Jersey City’s High Street

51 53 High Street Jersey City
Site of proposed development: 51-53 High Street, Journal Square, Jersey City. Photo via Google Maps/Street View.

While walking down High Street between Baldwin and Summit Avenues, one can see firsthand how the buildings of Jersey City have changed over the years and how the city’s architecture is continuing to evolve. This short block near Journal Square contains homes built in the second half of the 19th century, a five-story pre-war apartment building, a multi-family house that was built in the last decade, and a new six-story apartment building. However, the traces of this street’s past are starting to disappear. Not only is an 83-unit development expected to replace several homes on the block but now, a new four-story building is slated to be constructed at the site of an additional home.

The redeveloper of two properties, 51 and 53 High Street, has applied to the Jersey City Planning Board in order to construct a structure with 19 units on these premises in the Journal Square 2060 Redevelopment Plan Area. A legal notice shows that 53 High Street JC, LLC is seeking to receive Preliminary and Final Site Plan approval for their “as of right” application from the Jersey City Planning Board during the meeting on Tuesday, April 9, at 5:30 p.m.

The site consists of a house along with a parking area. City tax records show that both properties are owned by ABL Three, LLC and High Street JC, LLC. The firms reportedly paid $1.4 million for at least part of the premises in January. It is not immediately clear who is behind these three LLCs but 53 High Street JC, LLC was registered with the state at the beginning of this year out of Milltown in Middlesex County.

Note to readers: The dates that applications are scheduled to be heard by the Jersey City Planning Board and other commissions are subject to change.



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