Journal Square’s growing skyline could include yet another mixed-use tower in the coming years should a new proposal receive the required approvals from the Jersey City Planning Board.
A high-rise building is now being planned for the Pep Boys site at 2958 John F. Kennedy Boulevard along with neighboring 71 and 73 Cottage Street in Ward C. The plans for the project are expected to be heard by the Jersey City Planning Board this Tuesday, March 23, during a Zoom meeting.

It is not yet clear exactly how many stories the building would include should it be approved as currently proposed.
A traffic impact study and civil plans list 29 stories as part of the proposal while the meeting agenda and architectural plans both state that there would be 28 stories. Meanwhile, a notice of hearing, the project’s principal points statement, and the updated general development application say that this is a 31-story building proposal, with the notice adding that “two of the ‘story’ levels are mezzanine stories/levels.”

The principal points statement, which was submitted to the City of Jersey City on March 11, describes plans for two floors of commercial space, 115 hotel rooms, 186 residential units, ground-floor retail space, a restaurant, and a banquet hall within the proposed structure.
The updated application was submitted to the municipal government the previous day and says that 180 one-bedroom units, six three-bedroom units, 100 mechanical parking spaces, 20,000 square feet of office space, and 4,632 square feet of retail space are all planned, but zero “affordable housing units” would be created.

Journal Square Tower, LLC of Jersey City is listed in the updated application as the project applicant. A December 2020 affidavit of performance identifies Mohan Myneni as the company’s managing member.
Tuesday’s meeting is scheduled to begin at 5:30 p.m.
Note to readers: The dates that applications are scheduled to go before the Jersey City Planning Board and other commissions are subject to change.