Located just a stone’s throw away from the site of the upcoming Baldwin Place development, the Port Authority’s PATH maintenance yard, and Hudson County Plaza, Front Street is a narrow dead-end block at the edge of Jersey City’s Journal Square neighborhood. Although it is currently lined by less than a dozen houses, this small street could soon be home to dozens of new residents. This is because of a new development proposal for a property near the top of the block.
A legal notice from City Hall shows that a five-story building could be constructed at 16 Front Street, where a one-story home has stood for decades. Development firm 16 Front Street, LLC has applied to the Jersey City Planning Board for Preliminary and Final Site Plan approval with a variance for front yard setback in order to move forward with the project. If approved, the building would consist of 25 residential units. No parking spaces for cars are included in the application, but spaces for 13 bicycles would be provided.
The project was first scheduled to go before the Jersey City Planning Board on April 10, but city records show that it was moved to the April 24 meeting.
The site is currently owned by Front Street Development, LLC, according to data from NJ Parcels. The company, which is registered out of the same address in Freehold Township, Monmouth County as MYK Builders, bought this property in 2016 for $750,000. The tract sits within not only the Journal Square 2060 Redevelopment Plan Area, but also the Palisades Preservation Overlay District.