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Heroes Of The World Longest Mural Ocean Avenue Greenville Jersey City 2

Young Artists Will Tell Story Behind Jersey City’s Longest Mural, ‘Heroes of the World’

Those who want to find out about the young artists and stories behind the city’s longest mural – called “Heroes of the World” in the Greenville section of Jersey City – can attend a Jersey City Theater Center event tonight, Thursday, November 21.
heights jersey city mural street art program

Artists Wanted for New Artwork Installation in Heights

The Central Avenue S.I.D. Management Corporation is pleased to announce that it is seeking creative proposals for its 2016 public art installation program. Proposed artwork will be installed on either a wall space or traffic box.
ocean avenue storefront mural program jersey city

Murals Coming to Vacant Storefronts Along Ocean Avenue

A new beautification program is underway along Ocean Avenue in Jersey City. The program, called Make>Shift>Gallery, finds local artists and matches them to vacant storefronts to create murals and installations in the spaces.

