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Tag: HAP Investments

Hap Tower 500 Summit Avenue Community Center Jersey City

First Look at Park, Community Center at Jersey City’s HAP Tower

Images detailing what almost an acre of public space will look like have been revealed.
500 Summit Ave Featured

Jersey City’s HAP Tower Getting Redesigned, Adding Park and Community Center

A 42-story proposal is being reshaped following a court settlement, which paves the way for almost an acre of public amenities at 500 Summit Avenue.
Hap Investments 500 Summit Avenue Jersey City 2

HAP Investments Sues Jersey City Over Alleged Stalling at 500 Summit Avenue

The developer has filed suit against several city officials, claiming that they have unfairly denied them permits to begin construction on the project.
500 Summit Ave jersey city HAP Tower journal square

HAP Investments Closes on 500 Summit Ave, Plans 42-Story Tower

Speculation around a new 42-story tower at 500 Summit Avenue in Journal Square was ongoing since 2014 when erroneous reports came out that HAP bought the property. Now, the deal officially closed on June 1st.

