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Tag: Executive Drive Office Park

Hecker Carriage House West Orange 4910

West Orange Town Council Unanimously Votes Down Settlement in Lawsuit over Executive Drive

The legal saga over the Executive Drive office park still has no end in sight. The West Orange town council unanimously rejected a settlement.
Executive Drive Office Park Lawsuit West Orange 1

Rift Grows as Lawsuit Proceeds in West Orange over Controversial Redevelopment Plan

A lawsuit was filed against the township of West Orange over a controversial redevelopment plan involving the Executive Drive Office Park.
200 Executive Drive West Orange Development

Despite Wave of Public Criticism, West Orange Town Council Votes in Favor of Controversial...

The West Orange town council passed a resolution this week to designate an office park an “area in need of redevelopment.” The 4-1 vote stands at odds with the wave of public criticism during the meeting against the designation, which paves the way for a windfall tax abatement.
200 Executive Drive West Orange Lawsuit

West Orange Residents Vow Another Lawsuit over Controversial Property

West Orange residents are vowing yet another round of lawsuits in an ongoing legal battle involving a controversial office park and a multimillion-dollar tax abatement. 

