Morristown, which has seen more multi-family and residential buildings constructed within town limits over the last two decades than many other Northern New Jersey municipalities of a similar size have, could become home to another new development.
The Morristown Planning Board is scheduled to hear a plan during its virtual meeting on Thursday, April 22, at 7:00 p.m. that involves a proposed three-story project east of the Headquarters Plaza towers.

Scotto Holdings, LLC is looking to receive preliminary and final site plan approval with variances in order to bring 15 residential units to 81, 83, 85, and 87 Martin Luther King Avenue South, four adjacent tracts near Spring Street, according to a notice of hearing.
Just under two dozen parking spaces would reportedly be provided on the premises, which are within a half-mile walk of Morristown Station and the Morristown Green. No retail space would be included.

The site has long included surface parking and a couple of two-story buildings, one of which is a house while the other contained a restaurant called El Paraiso De Acapulco in recent years. A July 2020 traffic impact statement from Dynamic Traffic that was recently published by the Town of Morristown noted that “it is proposed to raze the site.”
Note to readers: The dates that applications are scheduled to be heard by the Morristown Planning Board and other commissions are subject to change.