In February, the City of Hoboken announced efforts to streamline the affordable housing process in the hope of helping the public better understand their options under the program. The city has now released the next step–applying to join the waitlist.
Residents looking for affordable housing options in Hoboken can now submit a preliminary application to join the waitlist for all future affordable housing units in the city.
A random drawing will be conducted to generate the affordable housing waiting. The deadline to apply for the list is May 8, 2017. Anyone who may be interested in current or future affordable housing units in Hoboken should apply by May 8th. [Apply Here]
“Dozens of new affordable housing units under construction throughout our city will help to ensure that Hoboken remains a vibrant mixed income community,” said Mayor Dawn Zimmer. “We have created procedures to make sure that these affordable housing units are available to those who need it most through a fair and open process.”

The first units that will be available are at 600 Harrison Street. Monthly rents for these units, not including utilities, are as follows:
1-Bedroom Low (1 available): $600
2-Bedroom Low (3 available): $903
3-Bedroom Moderate (1 available): $1,035
Future new development units include: 1410 Grand Street (4 units), 721 Clinton Street (6 units), 7th Street and Jackson Street (42 units). Some units will be available as early as Spring 2017, and others will be available in upcoming years depending on the construction schedule.
The influx in affordable housing options in Hoboken is the result of the city adopting an affordable housing ordinance that generally requires a 10 percent affordable housing set-aside for residential construction over 10 units when an increase in density is provided.
In addition to the affordable housing ordinance, all redevelopment plans approved during the Zimmer administration, including Hoboken Yards, Neumann Leathers, and Western Edge, require that at least 10 percent of new residential units be affordable.
Additional information including income limits can be found at: AffordableHomesNewJersey.com/Hoboken