RPM Development has launched sales at East Gate, a community featuring townhomes, duplexes, and single-family residences on the former 1,126-acre Fort Monmouth. The homes were created in century-old buildings where officers once lived. RPM took advantage of the early 20th-century building exteriors while creating modern interiors, for a twist of historic charm. Occupancy is scheduled for this August, and the 68 homes range in price from the high-$400,000s to the mid-$700,000s.

As noted by Michael Hong, Assistant Vice President of Development for RPM, the interested buyers are ranging from millennial first-time buyers and those moving up to larger homes to empty-nesters interested in scaling down from no-longer-needed single-family residences.

“East Gate is the first residential component brought to market in Fort Monmouth and there’s clearly a very high level of interest in living in the emerging neighborhood,” said Mr. Hong. East Gate is just the beginning of the fort’s redevelopment, with future plans for dining and entertainment, office space, and retail.