Coleman National Business College newark history sign

The Ghosts of Newark: Signs From Another Era Still Dot the City

New Jersey’s largest city is literally filled with signs of its prosperous past. Curiosity got the best of us, so we dug up the history of some of the city's more prominent ghost signs.
plume house 407 Broad Street newark

History Alongside the Highway: Newark’s Plume House Dates Back 300 Years

The invention of celluloid camera film, which revolutionized the industry, occurred in Newark. However, the building in which it was invented, and the history behind the structure, might surprise you.
newark ironbound zoning changes 15 story buildings

Proposed Zoning Change Would Allow 15-Story Buildings in Newark’s Ironbound

A decision will be made tonight on whether zoning regulations in the city’s East Ward should be altered.
halsey street pedestrian mall newark photo

Pedestrian Mall Returns to Newark’s Halsey Street on Tuesdays

A popular corridor in Downtown Newark will once again be partially closed in the middle of the day once a week and converted into a pedestrian mall.
audible newark

Audible Entices Employees to Live in Newark with Free Rent Stipend

0 moved its headquarters to Newark ten years ago and is taking their investment in the city a step further by offering free rent to employees.
Krueger Scott Mansion development rendering

Makers Mansion Community Planned Around Historic Newark Castle

Jersey Digs has obtained plans for a massive new complex with micro-manufacturing, shops, apartments, and more on the Krueger-Scott Mansion property.
newark development 52 90 Amsterdam Street

New City Operations Facility Planned for Newark’s East Ward

The City of Newark is moving forward with plans to develop a new operations facility including a new seven-story building at 52-90 Amsterdam Street.
Riverfront Park Expansion Newark

This Saturday, June 17th, Newark Will Celebrate Its Riverfront

The city’s annual Walk to the Water and River Day events are returning.
north 5th plaza 77 387 North 5th Street newark

124-Unit Building Proposed Near Newark’s Branch Brook Park

The city’s latest development could come to 377-387 North 5th Street.
Honors Living Learning Community newark

Rutgers Transforming Newark Parking Lot into Honors Living-Learning Community

The project in Downtown will consist of dorms, retail space, classrooms, and a public piazza.

