Soon you’ll be able to enjoy the convenience of bike share in Bayonne. This week, Mayor Jimmy Davis announced a call for proposals to create a citywide program.
As prices rise elsewhere, Bayonne has become a more popular place to buy a house. The new bike share program will only enhance Bayonne’s appeal to those fond of the accessibility that programs like Citi Bike have brought to Jersey City.
According to a press release, Bayonne’s bike share program will include at least 40 bicycles available for rental at four stations strategically located throughout the city, as well as a mobile app for iOS and Android devices.
“Over the past two and a half years my administration has invested heavily in our roadway infrastructure and parks system,” said Mayor Davis. “In the same time we’ve received increasing requests for the vetting and establishment of a bike share program. The institution of such a program would link our city at strategically placed locations and increase transportation options for local residents and visitors.”
Expect an award on the contract, and an announcement on the next steps, in March.