While several high-rise buildings are in the works for major corridors in Jersey City, there are even more proposals for smaller mixed-use projects on the side streets of neighborhoods like McGinley Square. For example, a new development with residential and retail components could be constructed at the corner of Fairmount and Monticello Avenues in Ward F.
Records from the Jersey City Division of Planning show that West Bergen Heights Associates, LLC is looking to build a four-story structure on its property at 250-254 Fairmount Avenue. If approved, the development would include 12 residential units along with commercial space on the ground floor.
The developer is registered out of the same address on Manhattan’s Upper East Side as the Heights Real Estate Company, according to NJ Parcels records. Currently, the property in Jersey City, which is also known as 247-251 Monticello Avenue, is a vacant lot.
Until recently, the site contained an empty two-story building that was once occupied by the B&M Barber Shop, Monticello Laundromat, El Pilon Restaurant, and apartments. The structure was severely damaged and residents were displaced because of a five-alarm fire in 2012, according to a report from The Jersey Journal.
The proposal was scheduled to be heard by the Jersey City Planning Board during its meeting on May 22. West Bergen Heights Associates applied for an informal review of the development’s conceptual plan with a variance for minimum rear yard setback.