The office of Jersey City Mayor Steven Fulop recently announced it has selected city planning director Annisia Cialone to replace Marcos Vigil as head of Housing, Economic Development and Commerce (HEDC), effective August 11. Vigil, who previously served as deputy mayor, is set to leave city government altogether, the office of the mayor said in a news release.
“Marcos has provided Jersey City with exceptional leadership during the past few years, both as Deputy Mayor and as Director of HEDC,” Mayor Fulop said in a prepared statement. “He has truly contributed to the growth and success of our City with his commitment to affordability, sustainability, and inclusive development, and we wish him well as he starts a new chapter.”
Vigil served as deputy mayor from 2015 until this year when he was reassigned to direct the city’s HEDC department. In his tenure as deputy mayor, Vigil oversaw real estate and development strategies that aimed to create sustainable development and affordable housing. And as part of the administration, he represented Jersey City in the New Jersey League of Municipalities’ legislative committee.
“It has been the greatest honor to work with Mayor Fulop and to have been entrusted to spearhead his vision for sustainable, affordable, and equitable development away from the waterfront over the last few years,” Vigil said in a news release. “I’m glad to have played a small part in setting the stage for the next generation of City leaders who will make this the best mid-size city in the country.”
Cialone is the third personnel change the office of the mayor has announced this summer, including Jake Hudnut as chief municipal prosecutor and Dinah Hendon as director of the housing preservation division.
“I am honored that the Mayor has asked me to continue the work we have been doing, but now on a larger scale,” Cialone said in a prepared statement. “Based on the time I have spent with the staff of HEDC I know that they are committed public-servants and I will be off to a great start with their support. We will continue to work toward providing the highest level of service to the residents of Jersey City.”

According to the office of the mayor, Cialone was essential in creating the city’s first bike master plan and school walk plan during her one-year tenure as planning director.
“Annisia has brought new energy and expertise to the Planning Division during her time as the Director, and I am confident she will continue to provide the type of forward-thinking and sustainable ideas that will move our City forward as Director of HEDC,” Mayor Fulop said.