Standing on the sidewalk in front of 1701 Summit Avenue in Union City, one can clearly see the first high-rise residential tower of Jersey City’s Journal Squared project in the distance. Now, on this property at the corner of 17th Street nearly three miles north of Journal Squared, a developer is looking to construct a new structure, though it would not be anywhere close to the size of the building in the distance.
A developer called Tapia & Sons, LLC is planning a mixed-use building at the site, according to a legal notice from the Alonso & Navarrete law firm. Should the proposed development be approved, it would include 18 residential units. In addition, the ground floor is expected to include one retail space. 35 parking spaces would be provided on the premises, nearly one per apartment.
The property is located within walking distance of the North Bergen Food Bazaar location, the Summit Avenue Branch of the Union City Public Library, and public bus service. The site contains a two-story building that used to be home to Kleon Furniture and a business known as Jewelry Arts Manufacturing. A 2003 Hudson Reporter article profiled Kleon Furniture and mentioned that the company was founded in Hoboken in 1953 but moved up the hill to Union City “after it became impossible for the small local business to keep up with the skyrocketing real estate costs in Hoboken.”
It is not immediately clear who is behind Tapia & Sons, LLC. State filings show that the company was registered in 2017 out of Kearny while NJ Parcels records show that the firm paid $1.2 million for the property that same year.
The LLC is looking to receive Site Plan approval as part of their proposal to the Union City Planning Board. Variances for matters such as parking and maximum lot coverage are also being sought, according to the notice. The board is slated to hear the plans during its meeting on Tuesday, January 22, at 6:00 p.m.
Note to readers: The dates that applications are scheduled to be heard by the Union City Planning Board and other commissions are subject to change.