Thousands of people pass through Newark’s Roseville section on a daily basis while commuting on Interstate 280 or on New Jersey Transit (NJT) trains or buses. The neighborhood, which is located near the East Orange border, largely consists of single-family and two-family homes, with the exception of businesses along Orange Street and 7th Avenue. Now, several properties in Roseville could potentially be converted into the community’s first new residential development of its kind.
A development firm called 8 Ball Construction, LLC is proposing a multifamily complex on four neighboring properties by the NJT train tracks. A legal notice that was released earlier this month shows that the planned building at 159-161 North 6th Street and 162-166 North 5th Street would be 60 feet tall and consist of five stories. Inside, there would be 39 residential units, though it is not clear how many bedrooms would be in each unit.
19 parking spaces would be constructed on the site, despite the zone’s requirement for one space per unit. While the train tracks might be adjacent to the premises, the nearby Roseville station has been closed for decades. There is NJT bus service within a few blocks of the property and the Newark Light Rail’s Orange Street station is less than half a mile from the site, though there is no public transportation in the immediate vicinity of the tracts.
The site itself contains a house and a vacant lot on the North 5th Street side while the North 6th Street side features a garage used to contain businesses like Simbi Used Cars and Pierre Auto Center.

Since buildings of this kind are not currently allowed in this zone, the developer is looking to receive several variances from the Newark Zoning Board of Adjustment in order to move forward with the project. A hearing is scheduled for the board’s meeting on Thursday, January 24, at 7:00 p.m. at City Hall. Use, height, lot coverage, and parking variances are among those that are being sought by 8 Ball Construction, according to the notice.
Note to readers: The dates that applications are scheduled to be heard by the Newark Zoning Board of Adjustment and other commissions are subject to change.